5 Grounding Mantras for Yoga Teachers

Calling all new yoga teachers! This post is for you.

I know that feeling of nervous excitement that comes right before stepping onto the mat to teach your very first class. It's like a mix of butterflies doing acrobatics in your stomach and a whole circus of thoughts swirling through your mind. But fear not, my friend, because I've got your back, and I'm here to help you stay grounded and find your inner calm before taking on the yoga teaching world!

First things first, it's completely natural to feel a little nervous. In fact, it's a sign that you care deeply about sharing your passion for yoga with your students. But let's transform those jitters into fuel for your yoga-fire, shall we? Here are a few tips to help you stay grounded and centered before, during, and after your yoga class:

Breathe, my friend, breathe: Before you even step foot into that sacred teaching space, take a moment to find your breath. Inhale deeply, feeling your chest expand, and exhale fully, letting go of any tension or anxiety that's hanging around. Remember, that breath is your anchor, your constant companion as a yoga teacher. So take a few nourishing breaths and feel that nervous energy transform into a calm, focused presence.

Embrace your humanness: Repeat after me: "I am human, and that's a beautiful thing!" You don't need to be perfect or have it all figured out. Allow yourself to make mistakes, stumble on your words, or forget a Sanskrit name or two. It's all part of the journey. Your authenticity and vulnerability are what will resonate with your students. So, let go of the pressure of perfection and embrace your beautiful imperfections.

Prepare, prepare, and then let go: Preparation is key, my friend, but so is letting go of the plan. Know where you want to go during the class, have a plan, know your sequence, and be well-versed in the cues and modifications you want to offer. But once you step into that sacred space, let go of the need to control every single little detail. Trust that your preparation has laid a strong foundation, and allow the flow of your teaching to unravel organically. Sometimes the magic happens when we surrender to the present moment.

Connect with your students: Remember, your students are human too, and they're rooting for you just as much as you're rooting for them. So, make an effort to genuinely connect with them. Smile, say hello, and create a warm, welcoming space. Remind yourself that you're not alone in this beautiful yogic journey. When you teach from a place of love, compassion, and connection, the nerves tend to dissolve into a sea of shared energy.

Celebrate the little victories: Whether it's a perfectly executed sun salutation or a student finally finding their balance in a balancing pose, celebrate those little moments of progress, both for yourself and your students. Embrace the joy, the laughter, and the growth that happens within each class, and let it fuel your confidence and passion as a teacher. Remember, it's the small victories that pave the way for the big ones.

Here are 5 short mantras you can recite to yourself if you get flustered.

"I am prepared and capable."

Remember, you've put in the time, effort, and dedication to become a yoga teacher. Trust in your abilities and remind yourself that you have the knowledge and skills to guide your students effectively.

"I am here to share, not to be perfect."

As a new yoga teacher, it's easy to put pressure on yourself to be flawless. But guess what? Mistakes happen, and that's okay! Embrace the learning process, be authentic, and focus on the joy of sharing your love of yoga with others.

"Breathe in confidence, exhale doubt."

When nervousness sets in, take a moment to close your eyes, take a deep breath, and repeat this mantra. Inhale confidence and exhale any self-doubt or anxiety. It's amazing how a few intentional breaths can instantly ground you.

"I am supported by the yoga community."

Remember that you're not alone on this journey! The yoga community is a beautiful network of teachers who inspire and uplift one another. Reach out to fellow teachers, attend workshops, and connect with like-minded individuals who understand your experiences.

"I am grateful for this opportunity."

Gratitude is a powerful tool for shifting your mindset. Instead of focusing on nervousness, redirect your attention to gratitude for being able to share the transformative practice of yoga with others. Embrace each teaching moment as a blessing and watch your nerves fade away.

These mantras can serve as your go-to affirmations, helping you stay grounded and confident as you step onto your mat and guide your students. Remember, each moment of nervousness is an opportunity for growth and self-discovery. You've got this, my friend!

Photos in this post by Jeremy Baker of jjbakerphoto.

PS More grounding mantras for yoga teachers, grounding mantras, and grounding mantras to help give you calm energy.