10 Tips on What To Know Before You Take a Yoga Class

Ready to embark on your yoga journey? Fantastic! But before you roll out that yoga mat and strike a pose, there are a few things you should know. Today, I’m sharing the top 10 things to know before you step into a yoga class. So, take a deep breath, relax, and let's break it down together!

Choose the Right Class for You:

Not all yoga classes are created equal. There are different styles and levels of intensity. If you're a beginner, opt for a beginner-friendly class like Hatha, Yin or Vinyasa Flow. Remember, it's about finding what resonates with your body and aligns with your goals.

Take It Slow:

This is not a competition, my friend. Yoga is a practice of self-discovery and self-care. Embrace the journey and be patient with yourself. Flexibility and strength take time. Enjoy the process, celebrate small wins, and let go of perfectionism.

Dress Comfortably:

Opt for clothing that allows you to move freely and comfortably. Breathable fabrics like cotton or moisture-wicking materials work wonders. Wear whatever feels comfortable to you!

Bring Your Own Mat:

While some studios provide mats, it's always best to bring your own. A mat that suits your size and grip can make all the difference in your practice. Plus, having your own mat ensures cleanliness and personal space.

Let Your Instructor Know:

Yoga is for everyone, no matter your physical abilities or limitations. If you have any injuries, health conditions, or concerns, it's helpful to inform your instructor before class. They can offer modifications or suggest alternative poses to keep you safe and comfortable.

Listen to Your Body:

This is an essential tip! Listen more to your body than to the teacher’s words. Respect your own limits. Pushing too hard or forcing yourself into advanced postures can lead to injury. Remember, flexibility and strength come with time; your job is to honor your body's unique needs.

Breathe, Baby, Breathe:

Don't forget to breathe! Deep, intentional breathing is an integral part of yoga. It helps calm your mind, connect with your body, and find balance.

Arrive a Little Early:

Arriving a few minutes early before your yoga class can work wonders. It allows you to settle in, set up your mat, and mentally prepare for the practice ahead. Plus, you avoid the frenzy of trying to find a spot in a crowded room.

Embrace the Savasana:

Ah, Savasana, the sweetest part of any yoga class. It's the final resting pose where you lie down, relax, and integrate all the good vibes from your practice. Embrace it fully, let your thoughts drift away, and bask in the bliss of stillness. Trust me; you deserve it!

Have Fun and Be Yourself:

Yoga is not about being the most flexible or mastering the most complex poses. It's about finding joy, self-expression, and self-acceptance. So, smile, laugh, and enjoy the journey. Be yourself, embrace your uniqueness, and let the experience be what it is!


You're now armed with the top 10 essentials before venturing into your first yoga class. Remember, my friend, it's all about taking that brave step, being kind to yourself, and embracing the beautiful transformation that yoga can bring. Whether you're a newbie or a seasoned yogi, every class offers an opportunity for growth. Breathe your way through it and I can’t wait to hear how it goes!

Other posts to inspire your practice:

Setting Goals in Yoga

Yoga Scripts to Help New Yoga Teachers Build Confidence

PS Any other tips you’d add to this list? I’d love to hear in the comments below.

Photos in this post by Sequoia Cipes.