How to Deal with Common Stressful Situations

Sometimes, stress creeps up on us. Having a daily routine to relieve anxiety and promote relaxation can help.

Instead of letting stress have a negative impact on your health, take small steps. Here are a few ideas for how to reduce and manage your stress.

Stuck in Traffic

A few ways to deal with long drives or sitting in traffic:

  • Practice breathing techniques. Deep belly breathing or counting the breath for a count of 4 are great options. Be sure to keep your eyes open and focused on the road.

  • Listen to calming music.

  • Make your car more comfortable with a calming essential oil or better ergonomics. Sites like Edmunds have information about different vehicles. 

Stressed on Time

Facing a deadline? Feeling rushed? Time management is a huge stress reduction technique. You might consider:

  • Taking a 2 minute break to stretch, get outside for some fresh air, or just notice how your body feels.

  • Using a productivity app on your phone.

  • Limiting use of social media.

  • Writing down a to-do list or calendar.

  • Setting reminders on your phone or watch for when to take breaks.

  • Doing less. Give yourself some open times on your schedule with no plans.

Healthy Boundaries

Feeling some relationship stress? It might be time to:

  • Walk away from relationships with people who aren’t aligned with you.

  • Say no.

  • Block.

  • Meditate on what you need.

  • Reach out to someone who can support you without judgment or toxicity.

  • Do something special for yourself.

  • Ask for encouragement.

Self Conscious Thoughts 

We all feel self conscious from time to time. If you’re experiencing a dip in confidence, you’re not alone!

  • Hug a friend.

  • See a therapist.

  • Write about what you’re feeling.

  • Do something that feels good or helps you feel confident.

  • Name your fears or concerns. This takes the shame out of them!

  • Exercise. A sweaty workout or a calming yoga practice can do wonders for bringing peace and clarity.

  • Smile, cry, laugh, repeat. ;)