Telling Your Story in a Positive Light

This morning during my meditation I was reflecting on my big to-do list this week and the difference between:

"I have a full plate and am enjoying doing everything that's on my list"


"I'm so busy and overwhelmed."

I was reminded: I have the power to choose what I spend my time doing.

I have the power to take care of myself even when things are busy.

I can choose to say no to things that don't light me up and bring me joy.

I am in charge of my outlook on life.

This week, as you go along accomplishing work, meeting up with friends, and doing the things you love (or don’t love):

  • Notice the stories you’re telling yourself.

  • Notice where you’re holding resistance.

  • Notice where you’re creating struggle instead of allowing ease.

  • Begin practicing the art of telling your story in a positive light.

See the good everywhere you go.

Have a beautiful week, my friends!