What it Takes to Succeed as a Freelance Yoga Instructor

Working as a yoga instructor is a wonderful career. Each day you get the chance to pass on a skill that helps people in their daily lives and helps them feel revitalized. If you’re interested in pursuing yoga as a full time job, consider this practical advice.

Understand the Benefits of What You’re Delivering

As a way to build rapport with your students, it can be helpful to remind them of the benefits they will receive from a solid yoga practice. Check in with your students— what are they getting from your classes? What do they want more or less of? Discuss what’s working for your students and be willing to ask for feedback to see how you can modify your teaching and add more benefit to each student’s individual needs. Especially in the case of private clients, be sure to monitor, track and document the results your students are receiving. This is a great way to gather testimonials for your website and social media, too.

Use An Expressive, Authentic Voice

When it comes to leading a yoga session, your voice is so important. Yes, demonstrating poses physically with your body is critical as well. Keep in mind students connect with your voice— the sound of it, the pacing, tone, volume, and the thoughtful reflections that you share.

Notice how your voice keeps your students engaged. Continually check in with your voice— how it’s being heard, how it sounds to you, and how you can be even more authentic and real with your students.

Learn to Use Your Computer and Social Media Savvy to Build Clientele

In order to develop clients and run your business, you’ll want to become familiar and comfortable with building a website and social media marketing. If you aren’t particularly fond of these areas, sign up for a training, consult with other fellow teachers and studio owners, or even consider hiring someone to help you.

Sites like https://setapp.com/how-to/recover-an-overwritten-file can teach you skills when you’re looking to boost them. Become as internet savvy as possible, ask good questions, and stay positive even if this process takes a little time and problem solving.

Care for Your Students

At the foundation of your yoga career is your passion for the practice and your genuine level of care for your students. Yoga is a business of connection and service.

How will you serve your community? What need are you meeting?

It can be helpful to assess your why on a regular basis in order to show up fully for your students. They will be able to tell when you’re being authentic or if you’re simply offering a ‘performance.’ If at some point you get stuck or burned out, take a step back, talk to your mentors, and then jump back in to your classes.

Be Willing to Learn and Improve— Constantly

Yoga is a constant practice of learning and improving. There is always more to learn and there are always ways to grow. Be willing to set your pride aside each time you roll out your mat and each time you check students in for class. A humble, practical, hardworking attitude will take you far in your career as a yoga teacher.

Get excited about your rewarding work as a freelance yoga instructor. As your pour your heart into your teaching, your students will thank you for it.