How to Feel Awesome

In this fast-paced world, we can often neglect to take care of ourselves. We frequently put our work, families, friends and other commitments before our own well-being. If you feel tired, agitated, and you are lacking in energy all the time, it's a good time to make a change.

It’s always important to take great care of your physical body. You will feel healthier, happier, and generally more positive about yourself and everything around you. It is not as hard as it sounds. There are many tiny steps you can take to start a journey of better health and well-being. Choose the ones that work best for you and make the change.

Simple Habits to Help You Feel Awesome


Getting enough exercise will make a massive difference in the way that you look and feel. Getting started is often the hardest part. When our fitness levels are not at their best, and we are perhaps self-conscious about the way that we look, it can be difficult to drag ourselves out and get active. However, once you get started, you will soon realize how good it can make you feel. Exercise increases endorphins— the feel-good hormones— which is what gives you that incredible feeling once you have completed a workout. The more physical exercise you do, the more energy you will find that you have. 

Eat Well

Eating well is known to be one of the things that can make the biggest difference in the way that you look and feel. No one is saying you should not enjoy a treat now and then; a slice of cake or that delicious hot chocolate can make you feel good sometimes. But remember the phrase, 'Everything in moderation'. Eat a balanced diet, incorporating plenty of fresh veggies and fruits. Minimize processed foods and white sugar. And drink water throughout the day to stay hydrated, increasing your water if you’ve had a sweaty workout. 

Dress to Feel Good

Now, here we are not talking about dressing to impress anyone else but yourself. The most important thing when it comes to the clothes that you wear is that you feel comfortable, happy and confident in them. Whether that's a pair of gym leggings, a brightly-colored dress or a pair of fabulous shoes, if you feel good and comfortable in what you are wearing, you will exude confidence.


Sleep is important! Improve your sleep by creating a mindful, relaxing bedtime routine. Turn off your TV and phone before bed, and avoid caffeine in the afternoon and evening. Implement good sleep hygiene practices for a few days to improve your rest and see how this impacts your mood and how you feel about yourself.

What other healthy habits are you working on these days? I’d love to hear!