
All photos by me and my family.

It's been a little while since I had a big adventure. Lately I've been dreaming about taking a trip somewhere, or doing a yoga retreat in an exotic place. Even the thought of a weekend excursion and a long road trip gets me excited.

Do you crave adventures every now and then?

Here are some of my favorite adventures from the somewhat recent past. In the summer of 2007, I went to Bonnaroo, a 4-day music & arts festival out in the middle of Tennessee, with my stepmom and stepsister. I saw a ton of incredible bands, met crazy people from all around the country, got an amazing tan, camped every night, and frolicked in the big fountain instead of showering. It was awesome!

Visiting San Francisco while I'm home to see my family in northern CA is always one of my favorite adventures. Walking the Golden Gate is one of the best parts: the view is beautiful, the air refreshing, and the sunshine feels amazing.

About a year and a half ago, my wonderful friend Chelsea came to visit for a weekend while I was home in California. We laughed, talked, and spent a day in downtown Sacramento at my favorite coffee shop and the Capitol building. There's nothing better than getting to catch up with a girlfriend and wander the city, don't you think? 

Plus, the year after, Chels invited me down to her place in the Bay Area, and we got to eat dinner at the Facebook cafeteria (her roommate from the time works there!), have frozen yogurt in Palo Alto, and roam the Stanford campus. So wonderful.

A few summers back, I rode the ferris wheel at Navy Pier in downtown Chicago then ate Chicago-style hot dogs while lounging in the grass and watching the tourists walk by. That summer, I also swam in Lake Michigan for the first time (and yes, it was freezing! So cold, it took my breath away, in fact.)


When I went home to meet my nephew after he was born, I got to go sailing with my dad, stepmom, brother, and best friend. On the ride down, Erin and I blasted tunes in her car that we used to sing in high school (on yearbook deadline nights or driving around town, or getting ready for prom... so many memories there!). Plus, we had rowing adventures in the dingy (one of my favorite parts about sailing ha!) and I swam with the seals until my arms and legs were so sore I could hardly go any further :)


Other favorite adventures not pictured here: my trip to Europe in high school and visiting Puerto Rico. What adventures have you been on, or do you hope to one day take? XO!