Yoga for Immunity

Photo via Pinterest.

Now that cooler temperatures are here to stay, cold and flu season are coming soon. Today I bring you a few tips on how to use your yoga practice to boost your immune system. 

Tip #1: Work your backbends and twists.
Photos via Gaiam.

Backbends are great for stretching the spine, opening your chest and improving breathing. They also allow you to drain lymph from your system, and promote the movement of lymphocytes (germ-fighting white blood cells) in your body. Try a strong bridge pose while holding your ankles, or a deep twist in chair pose. Sadie Nardini's tips on the postures are here. And check out this post by Yoga Journal for some thoughts on how to do compassionate backbends. Be good to your spine!

Tip #2: Try a little downdog and tortoise.
Photo via Pinterest.
Photo via Seva Yoga.

Both downward dog and tortoise pose allow you to breathe more deeply and circulate fresh, oxygenated blood throughout your body... which means you flush your body with a detoxifying effect.

Tip #3: Breathe deeply. (Pranayama is your friend!)

Bikram yogis, you know this for sure: there's something powerful about starting your practice with standing deep breathing. Not only does it work as a preventative measure to avoid respiratory problems, but it can also protect you against something as yucky as bronchitis. Deep, slow, full breathing is one of the best ways to detoxify your body -- and you can bring this practice with you wherever you are! Try it at the office, while you're waiting for the train, or in your living room.

Tip #4: Set aside some time to rest.
Photo via Pinterest

Chances are, the last time you came down with a bad cold or the flu, you were busy, stressed, and/or not getting enough sleep. Taking the time to relax can greatly improve not only your outlook on life, but also your health down to the cellular level. So go ahead: schedule yourself a massage or take a rejuvenating hot bath. Meditate. Have a retreat day.  You deserve a break, and your body will thank you.

Tip #5: Try these foods. 
Photo via Pinterest.

To boost your immunity, eat yogurt, ginger, mushrooms, sweet potato, elderberry, and garlic. I find a hot cup of lemon ginger tea is an easy way to unwind at the end of a long day, and it leaves your sinuses feeling clear and bright.

For more reading on how you can fight toxins with yoga, check out this post from Lexi Yoga or this one from Yoga Xoga

Photo via 365 Days Yoga.

Be well, my lovely readers... and sniffles and sneezes, be gone! :)