Breaking the Silence

Hey all, I'm back! The blogging break has been wonderful, but I missed you all. How have you been? How is your yoga going?

The last few weeks have been a reflective time for me. I have been writing, exploring, feeling, thinking, learning to take the time just to be.

I have been carefully choosing my words. Like the poem I was just reading this morning...

Calm the heart's dark waters;
collect from deep thoughts
the proper names for things.
Heaven and earth are trapped in visible form:
all things emerge
from within the writing brush... (from Lu Chi)

But on some days, I don't choose them carefully. I sing. I spew. I just talk and talk.

Often we are quiet for so long when inside we are longing to cry out.

My challenge for you this week, as I return to Alive in the Fire with new inspiration, is to clear yourself a path for the moment you are in.

Experience where you are now.

You may see the road before you -- distance in the path -- a journey waiting -- but for now, set it aside. Be here.

As Whitman has said:
You must habit yourself to the dazzle of light
and of every moment of your life...

Can you choose to see the world with wonder today? Whether you are at your mat, or simply working through the challenges of your day, observe what you are experiencing. Try for a moment not to judge what's happening or react to it, but just to be present.

And at the times when the day feels crazy -- a blur, a crashing in, a falling down -- give yourself permission to let go. Take a break. Come back, remembering your name. Remembering what you bring with you.

Trust what guides you; trust your dreams. Listen to your fears, but not too closely.

Move with the story you have.

More from me soon. It's great to be back :)