Are You Happy, or Are You Settling?

Photo Via SwissMiss.

I've got a hunger / twisting my stomach into knots /that my tongue has tied off My brain's repeating,/ "If you've got an impulse, let it out," /but they never make it past my mouth.

- The Sound of Settling by Death Cab for Cutie

How many of us are out there working jobs where we hate our lives from nine to five, but prioritize paying the bills? How

many of us are out there participating in the cult of mediocrity?

How many of us are singing this song by Death Cab for Cutie -- "The Sound of Settling?"

Sure, there's a certain comfort from just sticking with what we know and simply making a living instead of making a life.

But wait: that means you're forgetting about having a life you love!

You're giving up your very happiness just so you can get by. And chances are, you can feel it every day.

Well dear yogi friends, I've been thinking about the costs of settling lately and the truth is this: I'm ready to give it up. Too many of us spend our whole lives ruminating about what we want to be "when we grow up." And then we never grow up (or grow the balls to actually go for what we've always wanted).

I know what I want: to teach Bikram!

This week, I've been reminded about 53 times why it would be incredible to devote my life to instructing. This list hardly scratches the surface, but it's so prevalent on my mind that I couldn't help sharing. Enjoy! Be inspired! Change your life! It's like my twin sister always reminds me -- what she says about having kids: "Honestly, there's never really a convenient time for it. But when you make the choice to bring new life into the world, it ends up transforming yours for the better, too." Well put, sis!

When -- notice: not if, but WHEN -- I finally make it out to the big tent to take my yoga bubble adventure, and when I return to live the dream and teach classes, these will be awesomely true:

1. I will love my life and love my job.
2. I will not sit in front of a computer all day.
3. I will get to yell at people: "You're not're warriors!"
4. I will sweat at work. On purpose.
5. I will get paid to encourage people to transform their bodies for the better, inside out, bones to skin.
6. I will get to live at the studio. Which means: more yoga!
7. I will be a part of a living, breathing, thriving network of some of the most wonderful, beautiful, hardworking, loving, energetic people out there.
8. I will walk around barefoot at work.
9. I will have a more flexible schedule so I can meet my family's needs and one day raise kids.
10. I will follow my dreams and achieve one of my biggest personal goals.

My Work Briefcase (Someday) via Kerrie Longo's Flickrstream.