3 Ways to Get Outside and Experience Peace of Mind

We’re living in a time of uncertainty. It’s more important than ever to find ways to clear your mind, feel connected, and de-stress. Holding onto stress can create a variety of health issues, including heart disease, anxiety, depression, and gastrointestinal issues. 

One way to clear your head and find peace of mind is to get outside and let nature take you on a few soothing adventures. There are so many benefits to simply being outdoors and feeling connected to the world. Incorporate mindfulness into your time outdoors to help you stay grounded during these chaotic times. 

Let’s look at three ways you can experience peace of mind outdoors by choosing to explore. 

1. Go Camping Somewhere New

In the last 12 years, about 14 million young adults have gone backpacking across the U.S. You don’t have to be a camping enthusiast or even know a lot about it to really benefit from a night under the stars. 

Camping can help you to understand your place in such a giant, vast world. You’re essentially giving in to whatever nature throws at you while you’re out there, which makes it a great opportunity to do some soul-searching, especially if you’ve been feeling lost or not like yourself lately. 

2. Practice Outdoor Yoga

If yoga and meditation are both a part of your regular routine, try switching it up by going outside or even attending an outdoor yoga class. The sounds of nature surrounding you can be incredibly soothing and restorative, and can even strengthen your focus on your breathing as you take advantage of the open space. 

Be sure to practice yoga outdoors safely, away from heavy foot-traffic areas, and even away from busy streets where cars could cause pedestrian injuries

3. Get Your Hands Dirty

If you really want to feel connected to the earth, get your hands in it. Planting a garden can be extremely therapeutic. It gives you the opportunity to care for something and nurture it, which can help motivate you to care for yourself and nurture your own needs. Gardening is also a great way to reduce stress levels and take a break from the everyday chaos of life. 

If you don’t have the space for a garden, try visiting your local greenhouse or a community garden. Plan a weekly trip for yourself to unwind and feel closer to nature. If it helps, ask a friend to go with you that can help to hold you accountable. Not only will this allow you to feel more connected with the earth, but it’s a wonderful opportunity to build up a deeper connection with someone you care about, too. 

Nature can be truly healing in so many ways. When things feel uncertain or out of your control, realizing your place in the universe can help you to feel more at peace. There is no better way to do that than to spend more time outdoors and getting out of your comfort zone in the process. Try some of these outdoor activities to de-stress and experience peace of mind.