Finding Your Edge

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How will you meet your edge in your yoga practice today?

From Baron Baptiste’s Journey Into Power:

You challenge yourself on a physical level, and the mental resistances rush up right to the surface. At those moments, you have a choice: You can either break down or break through

The edge is where we come right up against ourselves and what we can do and be. It is the boundary between where we are and where we grow, the place of comfortable discomfort, where all growing and healing happens.

The edge is the point in every pose when you are still within your capacities but are challenging yourself to go just a little bit farther. Stepping up to this edge and daring to leap is how you break through and thus break with old ways of being.

Sometimes your edge is learning to do less, to be more tolerant, more patient, more compassionate toward yourself.

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PS Why I practice Vinyasa yoga.

Photos by Brandon Johnson and Angelo Hilton.