3 Ways to Enjoy the Journey and Embrace the Moment

Life pushes and pulls us in different directions.

How can we learn to embrace the journey and enjoy the moment?

Here are 3 ways I’ve been practicing mindfulness lately.

Prioritize taking time in your day to drop into your body.

Our bodies hold so much wisdom and insight to help us live life more fully. When was the last time you slowed down— fully— and allowed yourself to receive that wisdom? Making a habit of slowness is such a powerful way to embrace life.

Listen to a guided audio meditation as a way to calm your mind.

Lately I’ve been pulling up calming YouTube tracks on my phone and spending about 10 or 15 minutes lying on the couch during my lunch break. It does wonders for slowing down my thoughts and helping me feel relaxed! Starting a meditation practice where you sit silently can be intimidating and I think listening to a guided audio track is a nice way to ease into it. The best is when you can find someone’s voice that immediately helps you feel calm and centered. It’s all about finding that right voice!

Appreciate those you love and slow down to truly see them.

When you spend time with someone, pause to really look them in the eye. Slow down for long enough to feel the immense gratitude in your heart that you have for this person. When you say goodbye, take a 10 second pause to look at them and feel grateful. Connection is truly the heart of life!

What other ways do you practice mindfulness throughout your day?

Photos in this post by JJ Baker of JJ Baker Photo - Fine Art Yoga Portraiture.