An Impactful, Thorough Book Every EMDR Therapist Should Read

I was recently gifted the opportunity to review an incredible book: Polyvagal-Informed EMDR: A Neuro-Informed Approach to Healing by Rebecca Kase.

As someone who’s done EMDR in therapy before, I was very curious about this book and excited to learn more about the neuroscience behind the practice. EMDR is an incredible method that helps people process stress and work through anxiety, depression, grief, chronic pain and other disorders.

In her book, Rebecca writes about an integrative treatment approach and describes a powerful protocol that can be used to make EMDR even more successful.

I loved the parts about creating safety for her patients, becoming an embodied therapist, and the importance of body scanning as part of the installation done during EMDR.

It’s a highly technical, thorough, well-thought-out book. She incorporates a ton of incredible information and offers it in an approachable, engaging way ~ even for someone who’s not a therapist.

I highly recommend this book!

If you’re curious about EMDR and Polyvagal theory, here’s a bit more info:


EMDR, or Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing, is a therapeutic technique that has gained recognition and popularity in recent years. Developed by psychologist Dr. Francine Shapiro, EMDR aims to alleviate the distressing symptoms associated with trauma and other distressing life experiences. The process involves the client recalling traumatic events while simultaneously engaging in bilateral sensory stimulation, such as eye movements, hand tapping, or auditory cues.

This unique combination of directed attention and rhythmic stimulation helps reprocess distressing memories, allowing for a more adaptive and integrated understanding of the events. EMDR has been shown to be effective in reducing the impact of trauma, improving emotional well-being, and promoting healing and resilience. It provides clients with a safe and structured way to process and transform their traumatic experiences, leading to improved mental health and a renewed sense of empowerment.

Polyvagal theory

Polyvagal theory, developed by Dr. Stephen Porges, is a groundbreaking concept that has revolutionized our understanding of the autonomic nervous system. At the core of this theory lies the notion that our body's responses to stress and social interaction are not solely controlled by fight-or-flight or freeze responses, as previously believed, but are governed by a three-tiered system.

The theory proposes that our vagus nerve plays a significant role in shaping our behavior and emotional state, with the ventral vagal system activating feelings of safety and connectedness, and the dorsal vagal system triggering shutdown and dissociation. Through the lens of polyvagal theory, we gain a deeper comprehension of how our nervous system operates and how it influences our physiological and psychological well-being. This valuable perspective allows us to explore new avenues for healing and self-regulation, offering hope for individuals suffering from trauma, anxiety, and other stress-related conditions.

What other books have you read lately about mental health? I’d love to hear!