Cultivation, Meditation, Grounding

Photo via Julie Harmsen on Flickr.

Pause today. Take a look at your life, your state of being. 

Approach your mat with an intention to generate peace, love, kindness.

Photo via Prancing Leopard on Flickr.

Allow your breath to move you farther from the routines of the mind.

Photo via Flickr.

Be open to what you are experiencing in this moment. At the end of class, meditate for a few minutes quietly on your own. Take your hands in wisdom mudra, thumbs touching index fingers. Invite the wisdom of the universe in.

Listen to what your higher self has to say. Perhaps there is one thing in your life you're cultivating which you want to bring into focus. Perhaps there are three things in your life that you are choosing to let go of. Concentrate on these.

Feel the breath moving effortlessly through you.

Open your eyes slowly, and awaken yourself to life off the mat. Carry the meditation with you throughout your day.