Setting Good Habits in Yoga

Photo by Cara Brostrom.

The habits we set when we're tired really matter. I realized this the other day in the middle of my practice, sweating and exhausted on my mat, as I was trying to catch my breath.

I had just been doing forearm balance near the wall, and it hit me: the little mantra my swim coach used to say. "The way you swim when you're tired will define your habits in the water. If you set bad habits during the end of practice, those are going to show up on race day."

I think this is a great reminder, whether you're a beginning yogi just learning the poses, or an advanced practitioner who's been on the mat for years. What kinds of habits do you set on the days when you're tired in class? Do you half-ass your way through inversions? Do you find yourself having bad alignment in warrior pose? 

It may be wiser to simply take a break, or try a child's pose, rather than set a habit you'll have to undo later.