Post-Bikram Bliss: Celebrate with Massage!

Last night I experienced the best of the best: following a Bikram class with a full-body massage. Talk about bodily bliss!

Not only does completing class beforehand get you warmed up, loose and ready for work on your deep tissues, but it also makes your leg muscles and feet so ready for post-workout relaxation. And as my massage therapist noted as I happily plunked my head into the face hole, "Relaxing shouldn't be much of a problem since you're already in the yoga daze!"

Amen. to. that.

Those 90 minutes were my celebratory close-eyed meditation, and afterward I felt like I'd been on a week-long retreat! To boost your post-yoga bliss, or if you're looking to celebrate (like me: graduation from Northwestern in less than a week -- woohoo!), I highly recommend a massage after class.