Why Better Sleep Matters for Your Health

How have you been sleeping?

Sleep is an essential component of overall health and when you’re getting great sleep, you can feel a big difference.

Here’s why sleep really matters and what it can do for you.

Feel Balanced and Energetic 

When you get a good night’s sleep, you’ll feel more balanced and energetic the following day. Great sleep supports your mental health and gives you the proper rest in order to think more clearly and face challenges without as much overwhelm or stress. Plus, the more balanced and lively you feel, the more productive you’ll tend to be throughout your day.

Improve Your Mood

Sleeping well also results in a better mood overall. You feel better about yourself and more positive when you give yourself the time you need to sleep. If you’re someone who suffers from mood swings throughout the day, one of the reasons for this might be poor sleep or a lack of sleep, so that’s something for you to work on by going to bed earlier.

Lack of Sleep Leads to More Stress and Anxiety

People who sleep poorly or not enough tend to have more problems with stress and anxiety. So, if you want to reduce stress in your life, a great place to start is by making sure you get enough sleep at night. This may not solve all your stress problems, but it’s something that you’re in control of and you can immediately work to improve and reduce your stress levels as a result.

It’s Good for Your Heart

Because getting more sleep makes you less stressed, it also means that your heart will be healthier and in better shape as well. This makes sense because high levels of stress is closely linked to problems like heart disease. So if you can decrease the amount of stress you’re feeling, you’ll also be doing your heart a big favor at the same time.

Boost Your Immune System

Finally, you should know that getting more sleep will be great for your immune system. Your body needs sleep and when you deprive it of the amount of sleep it needs, it has an effect on your immune system, making it harder for you to combat health problems that your body should ordinarily be capable of dealing with. If you want a stronger immune system, sleep more.

Your sleep matters. If you’re struggling to keep a consistent sleep schedule, having trouble falling asleep, or waking up feeling tired, consider making small changes in your routine:

  • Get to bed 15-30 minutes earlier.

  • Turn off your phone, or put it away, an hour before bed.

  • Create a small nightly routine to wind down. You could incorporate a hot bath, self massage of your feet, aromatherapy candle, relaxing music, or whatever other activities help soothe you.

  • Dim the lights 30 minutes before bed.

  • Try a 10-minute gentle yoga routine or legs up the wall pose before you go to bed.

  • Get at least 30 minutes of exercise during your day and see how this helps your sleep. Consider what time of day you’re exercising ~ sometimes a late workout can actually energize you instead of helping you wind down for bed.

Cheers to good sleep!