Ways to Cope When You Didn't Sleep Well and Your Mood is Sh*t

I wrote this post to myself, on an off day.

I didn’t sleep well.

I woke up at 3am when the power went out and spent a solid hour catastrophizing over what would happen if it didn’t come back: the pre-made meals stacked in the fridge that I just bought would go bad (and when would I have time to shop again?), I’d have no internet and couldn’t work from home (should I go in to the office? to a coffeeshop?), the dogs would be overheated (would I need to take them somewhere and take the day off work?) Etc. Etc. Etc.

As I laid in bed fretting, getting nowhere, I listened to the silence. No hum of electronics, no air conditioner sound in the background.

Usually I love silence… just not when I’m trying to fall asleep. I sleep with an air purifier on and the white noise comforts me, it gives my brain something to focus on so I can drift off.

Anyway, all of that to say: it was a rough night and my rest was poor. I woke up feeling exhausted and have been battling the feeling all day.

So, what is helping?

  • Not skipping my morning walk (enjoying how it gives me time to set the tone for my day, get outside, experience the babbling water of the creek, look off into the horizon rather than up close on my screens)

  • Taking breaks (guided audio, nap, even just closing my eyes for 10 seconds and focusing on my breath)

  • Seeing what I can take off my plate and giving myself permission to do so

  • Making a bold decision to give myself grace instead of being hard on myself

  • Reminding myself, “My brain is not at full capacity today, and it’s ok to adjust my day accordingly”

  • Sniffing essential oils to help my mind focus

  • Eating food and drinking water

  • Recognizing today is an off day, letting that be okay

  • Getting to bed early tonight

Sleep is so key for me, especially during periods of a busy and full schedule.

I’m curious, how much sleep you need to function well? I’m an 8 or 9+ hours kind of gal, and you can bet I’ll be turning in early tonight…