Ways to Beat the Heat (Yogi Surprise June)

Happy Monday, loves!

Hope you had a restful and relaxing weekend.

Out here in the Sacramento valley of northern California, it has been hot lately. Every day last week we hit triple digit temperatures!

At this time of year, I'm all about finding ways to cool off and balance my inner pitta tendencies, the fiery, active energy within me.

Here are a few of my favorite ways to beat the heat:

1. Hydrate. I like to increase my water intake and drink kombucha and smoothies in the summer.

2. Rest. Take naps, do a yoga nidra meditation, and spend time reading and relaxing.

3. Find somewhere outside to go swimming. Lakes, rivers and pools are the best at this time of year!

4. Practice slowly. I tend to avoid fast-paced or heated yoga classes in the summer, instead doing a slower yoga practice at home.

5. Eat cooling foods such as watermelon, cucumber, and strawberries. Banyan Botanicals has a whole list of cooling vs. heating foods if you want more ideas, too.

6. Use sunscreen and aloe vera, especially on my face.

7. Freeze fruit or create flavored ice cubes for a refreshing way to mix up ice water. You can also add mint as a nice way to cool down.

8. Blackout curtains and ceiling fans. YES.

9. Use cooling essential oils like peppermint. I keep a peppermint roller in my car and love using it on my wrists and the back of my neck, and also inhaling deeply with it just below my nose. Surprisingly effective and refreshing!

10. Do nothing. Spending time in silence (maybe near a fan or the AC) can be really rejuvenating. :)

Luckily my June Yogi Surprise box arrived recently and has lots of lovely items for helping me beat the heat, too. Here are my two favorites from this month's box:

Adora Mood Boost Chakra Roll On in Tranquility: this small, easy-to-carry-in-my-purse scent roller is amazing! I love the bright blend of jojoba, lavender, rosewood, cardamom, frankincense and jasmine. Definitely my new favorite scent for summertime :)

The Chakra book by Patricia Mercier: this comprehensive guide helps you learn about each chakra, the energetic hotspots throughout the body, and offers ideas for how to balance them using breathing, postures, meditation, crystals, and aromatherapy. A great book and I love the small square size (it would be easy to bring over to a friend's house or down to the pool!).

Here's to staying cool all summer long! Namaste.