5 Simple Ways to De-Stress and Regulate Your Nervous System

These are a few of my favorite mindfulness techniques. Have you ever tried them?

  1. Box breathing: Inhale for a count of four. Retain your breath for a count of four. Exhale for a count of four. Hold at empty for a count of four. Repeat 10+ times and concentrate on slowing your breathing.

  2. Leaves on a stream mini meditation. As thoughts come into your mind, imagine them as leaves floating down a stream. Watch as they float by, simply observing. There is no need to focus on or cling to any one thought, simply watch as it arrives and then floats by. If you like, you could also imagine clouds floating by in the sky as another image.

  3. Tense and release exercise. Tense a muscle in your body such as your palm, squeeze for 3-5 seconds, then release. Notice how any tension in that area of the body is now gone. Move through different muscle groups in this way, tensing and releasing the feet, legs, hips, torso, arms, palms, and face. See how you feel afterward.

  4. Noticing what’s around you: 5 sights, 4 sounds, 3 feelings, 2 smells, 1 thought. Take a few minutes to observe. What are 5 things you can see? What are 4 things you can hear? What are 3 things you can feel (such as the feeling of your clothing on your skin, or perhaps the sense of your heartbeat in your chest)? What are two smells you can pick up on? What’s 1 thought moving through your mind?

  5. “Falling out” breath or mouth-open exhale. This is a simple breathing technique that will relax you quickly. Breathe in deeply through your nose, then on the exhale, open your mouth wide and sigh out. Make an audible sighing sound. Repeat 5-10 times, feeling your shoulders drop away from your ears as you do so.

What other short breathing, meditation or visualization techniques help you relax? I’d love to hear!