Diagnose Yourself

Photos via Pinterest.

As yogis, we know that we are our own best teachers. This is true in all areas of life, not just on the yoga mat.

When we visit the doctor, we put our trust in the hands of medical professionals, and in the healthcare system as a whole. Are you an empowered patient when you go to the doctor’s office? How well do you know your body?

Today I’d love to share sponsored yogi Sam’s review of a book called Diagnose Yourself. This is a great resource for yogis looking to become more self-aware, especially as it relates to taking control of your own health. Enjoy!

How many times have you seen your doctor and left frustrated with his or her inability to address your health concern?

I know I’ve personally experienced this time and again, when I’ve seen my physician and several specialists, spent a lot of time and money, only for my issue to be misdiagnosed and untreated.

In Diagnose Yourself, Jenner explains how the institutions that we would expect to keep us healthy are instead designed to treat sick people. As a result we have to take charge of our own health and well being, playing a more active role in diagnosis and treatment. Jenner provides a process and template to take control of your health now and to prevent future health issues, so you can live a happy, healthy, empowered life. You spend more time with yourself than anyone else in this world, making your role in diagnosing yourself of the utmost importance.

The next time you’re faced with a health concern, give the tools in this book a try to improve communication with your doctor and take charge of your health!