
Photos by Tyler Branch.

Today, a few reflections from my lovely friend Emily on the power of a good hug. Choose to love one another, and see how it shifts things!

There's nothing better than a real hug.
A full-arm, wrap around, warm hug that says "You are loved," without exchanging words.

It's a nice change of pace when the clerk at the store asks how you are and you respond with a genuine question as to how they are.

A quality, in-depth conversation of things that aren't commonly discussed will grant you more entertainment than any momentary purchased happiness from the store.

Letting them know you care can change a moment, a day or a lifetime.

When the door slams in your face, slide down the rain gutter.

If they tell you no, ask someone else-- better yet, ask yourself.

As the world spins faster, just remember you have the power to make a positive impact, to shift the negativity and adjust the amount of positive vibes in this world we live in.

Thanks for sharing, Em, and much love to you, yogis! Namaste.