The Most Common Fitness Injuries

Photos via FYeahYoga and Pinterest.

Today on Alive in the Fire, I bring you a guest post from freelance writer Samantha Priest. She shares some wisdom on how to avoid injury when working out. Listen up, athletes!

If you exercise regularly, you also have the unfortunate side effect of the risk of injury. Knowing what injuries to expect can help you reduce your chances for getting injured while exercising to improve your health. The following injuries are common to athletes and exercise enthusiasts.

Back Pain
Back pain is a common injury during exercise. It is caused by a variety of things. Poor posture during daily life, poor form during exercise, and doing a lot of exercises that arch or strain the back, such as the cycling position, can all strain the back. Back pain can range from slightly annoying to incredibly painful.

You can avoid back pain using several different methods. Try keeping good posture as much as possible during the day. Avoid slouching while sitting or standing. Try core-strengthening exercises to make it easier to have good posture. Try these exercises to increase your core strength:
- Abdominal planks
- Push ups
- Hip bridge
- Back extensions

Shin Splints
Shin splints are still a mystery in the medical community. No one can agree on what exactly causes the pain. However, for individual who have been active for fewer than 5 years, their chances of getting shin splints are higher. Shin splints typically show up after a sudden increase in training.

The best way to prevent shin splints is to gradually increase training over time, such as no more than 10 percent per week. Stretching the calf muscles and targeting strength training on the calves can also help reduce the chances of shin splints. 

Muscle Sprains 

Muscle sprains are one of the most common injuries in fitness and sports. The reason is due to a lack of muscle strength and improper exercise form in the majority of cases. Commonly sprained areas include hamstrings, ankles, groin muscles, ACL, and the rotator cuff. 

You can prevent these injuries by keeping proper form during exercise and by strengthening the surrounding muscles. There are several exercises that can help reduce the chances of muscle sprains, including: 

- Standing deadlifts
- Hamstring curls
- Balance board exercises
- Front leg raises
- Core strength exercises


The American Association of Neurological Surgeons estimates that there are nearly 4 million concussions each year related to sports and exercise activities. Helmets can help protect the skull from some concussions, but because many concussions occur due to high speeds, more injuries are caused by the brain hitting the skull from the inside, which cannot be helped with helmets or exterior protection.

You can help reduce your chances of getting a concussion my wearing headgear if at all possible, and avoiding hitting your head against other people, objects, or helmets. If you do get a head injury, rest and watch for signs of a concussion after, such as headaches, irritability, clouded thinking, and vomiting. 

Broken Teeth
Broken teeth are common in many different sports from hockey to football. Broken teeth typically happen when something flies at the face and hits the player in the mouth. The best way to avoid broken teeth is to wear a helmet with a mouth guard, or wear a bite guard. Most professional athletes wear a combination of both, when possible. Protecting your teeth with a bite guard will help reduce your chances of seeing broken teeth and avoid expensive cosmetic dentist bills. 

If you implement these tips, you will have a reduced chance of seeing injuries from exercise and everyday life. 

About the author: Samantha is a freelance writer, a part-time blogger and a health expert.