
Photos via Pinterest.

Chaturanga used to be one of my least favorite poses, but I've recently embraced it in class. The "pushup of yoga" is one of those poses that can help you build the strength and courage you need to move toward more advanced postures, like handstand and arm balances.

A few quick tips on proper alignment in chaturanga:
  • Generate the pose from strength in the legs. Keep those quads engaged!
  • In the pose, elbows are over the wrists. Hands press down, low belly lifts.
  • Before you bend, be sure to shift forward. Reach with your heart and your heels.
  • Draw your shoulder blades together strongly, picturing your heart opening.
  • Gaze slightly forward, not up, in order to avoid tension in the neck. 
  • Think about avoiding these common issues: bum is too high (engage the core more firmly) or shoulders are drooping (again, think of your shoulder blades drawing back).

A final note: consider  if you're adding resistance to the pose. If your teacher asks you to take Chaturanga and hold for five breaths, what is your immediate reaction? Is it the thought, Damn, I don't want to do that or, worse yet, I can't do that?

You'd be surprised at what you're capable of if you let yourself trust yourself and be open to what's possible. You may find your arms hold you there, steady, if you can calm your mind first. The body perseveres. 

You are in the moment, not resisting the yoga, encouraged by the warrior yogis around you.