
Photos in this post via Pinterest here and here.

As a yogi, sometimes I just wanna be able to put my foot behind my head.

Or press into handstand after doing a nice little vinyasa flow.

Or rock scorpion pose. I've been practicing for a couple of years now, so this shouldn't be too much to ask, right?

It's easy to forget how much yoga is like life; we want it to be easy, but it isn't always.

Maybe not even half the time, maybe never.

I have to keep trying. I have to keep working at my flexibility, strength and balance every day.

It is possible to slide backwards if I get lazy.

It's also possible to reach my goals -- eventually-- as long as I can be patient, if I can accept the long journey, if I learn to enjoy the path.

Difficult yoga poses aren't just tricks for impressing people or showing off. 

These asanas are  a sign of patience -- and the slow, hard work it takes to get somewhere in life.

Can you do any of the crazy poses, like scorpion, handstand, dropbacks into full wheel, or eight-angle? How long did it take you to get there?