This Just In: Yoga Poses Can't be Copyrighted

Last week I posted about the lawsuit by Bikram against Yoga to the People and was pleasantly surprised to hear your comments on the controversy. I heard a resounding shout from readers to protect the integrity of the Bikram yoga 26 & 2 series... but it looks like that shout has not been held up in court.

Photo via Pinterest.

Regulators have announced that "yoga poses such as head-to-knee stretches and the sequences of the moves are 'exercises' rather than 'choreography' and can’t be copyrighted in the United States."

The new U.S. Copyright Office decision does not acknowledge exercises (including yoga movements) as able to be protected choreography.

Photo via Pinterest.

I guess this means NYC yogis will be able to take their $8 hot yoga class after all.

For further reading, check out:

What do you guys think?