Pigeon Pose and Christmas Morning

Photo via Flickr.

A while ago I was reading about the emotional reactions we have as yogis during certain asanas. Many of the statements weren't surprising: camel pose and other heart-openers can release a rush of emotion or anxiety, forward folds and asanas like tortoise generate calmness and new energy.

But then I came across something that said pigeon pose can give you the same comfort and joy as you feel on Christmas morning.

Photo via MomFilter.

Of course my first reaction was, Wait, what?! No way. I thought back on all the times that intense hip openers like pigeon have felt a bit painful or uncomfortable. Sometimes I'd even dread trying out this pose if a teacher called for it, as pigeon is a great reminder of the flexibility I don't have (or haven't been working on consistently).

But then I tried pigeon pose with this thought in mind. The comfort and joy of Christmas morning.

It's true! If you concentrate your energy on what's happening as you slowly enter the asana, there is something very comforting and relaxing about pigeon pose. The gentle twist happening in your body, the way your head rests on your hands on the floor, the letting go that you must do in order to open the hips... it all adds up to a sense of well-being, relief, and solidity.

Photo via Yoga Chocolate Love on Tumblr.
Photo via Pinterest.

Many yogis aren't shocked to hear that yoga helps release stagnant energy; in fact, a lot of us are grateful to enjoy the blessing of having a regular practice because yoga actually helps us work through the emotions within. Remember to be open to the positive energy and healing you may find even from the hardest postures, like pigeon.