Curious Yoga Beginners (What Questions Are You Asking on the Mat?)

Photos via Urban Yoga Girl on Tumblr. 

As a beginner, yoga leaves you asking a lot of questions.

They can range from questions about your physical practice to deeper emotional or mental insights.

Photo via Urban Yoga Girl on Tumblr.

Am I doing this right?
How's my alignment in this posture?
Why does it hurt? Does this hurt too much?
Am I capable of trying this posture? How can I do yoga if I am not flexible?
Will I lose weight if I keep up with yoga?
Are there other people staring at me?

Photo via Miss Fit Bliss.

Why am I here?
What is my intention for practicing yoga today?
What can I let go of?

Introspection is at the heart of yoga. The key is learning how to question without judgment, and remembering to enjoy the journey, the process of yoga, instead of focusing on any difficulty within a present moment. 

You begin to learn that as you are patient with yourself and your body, and as you are open to what is true for you in the present, the answers will come.

Photo via Hearts Expanding

Which questions have you found yourself asking on the mat?

Do you have questions about a specific style of yoga? Here are a few links to some FAQ and general info pages to help you find answers: