Releasing Desire

Photo via Lilie Zen Coach.

Do you ever experience strong emotions while in a yoga pose?

Pigeon pose is a deep hip stretch than can release feelings of comfort as you wring out your spine. Or, if you're like me, you might experience compassion for others who deal with chronic pain.

Camel pose has been known to invite a feeling of overwhelm, panic and excitement. 

Other heart openers such as full wheel can help a feeling of genuine compassion emerge in the body.

As we bow in child's pose, everything rushes in, sometimes erupting in sadness or even tears.

Photo via Pinterest.

Physical movement and stretching during yoga can release pent-up energy present in our bodies. As it surges to life, we experience new desires.

Which postures bring out your emotions?

PS: Have you noticed how many of the popular advanced poses, like Standing Bow, Scorpion, and Handstand don't necessarily evoke a big emotional reaction like these do? It makes me wonder about how our culture encourages us to focus on what's flashy and impressive rather than push through the difficulties of life. Just an interesting observation! What do you think?