Introducing Hans

Photos courtesy of Hans Park and taken by Cara Grimshaw Photography.

Meet another Sponsored Yogi! I'd like to introduce you to Hans, who's representing Alive in the Fire from Canada and who you first met through the Real Men Do Yoga series.

Hans is the kind of yogi who's definitely dedicated to taking great classes on the mat, but who also loves the challenge of another sport or another kind of workout. For him, the alternative to yoga is roller derby. It makes sense, since this is another intense mind-body experience that, like his Bikram practice, requires acute concentration as well as flexibility and strength. I'll be excited to learn more from Hans about both of his preferred workouts, plus hear details on what the culture of Bikram yoga studios is like in the Vancouver area.

More from Hans on his unique background and yoga practice:

I currently work for Environment Canada and provide operational support to the Envivronmental Enforcement Officers. If you can picture CSI, I am like the guy in the lab that appears in every episode who supports the investigators who do the field work (except I do administrative and supply work). That description seems to work for most people. 

I also work for the Canadian army part time as a Combat Engineer. Before the career change, I worked in Africa in humanitarian aid. I hope to continue this in a short-term consulting role in the future. 

In my spare time, I watch a lot of live music and take photos of the bands for fun, take my teenage cousin to the movies, exercise regularly, and enjoy the west coast Canadian lifestyle. I also started skating with the men's roller derby team around the same time I started practicing yoga, and both are a lot of fun.