10 Reasons to Do Your Yoga All Winter Long

I would love to do a headstand like this. Photo via Coffee and Yoga.

Freezing? Tired? Feeling a little SAD this winter?

Do some yoga!

Here are ten reasons to keep up your practice, especially during the coldest months:
  1. You can easily imagine yourself in a tropical paradise when it's 105 degrees and 40% humidity in the room. As my studio owner likes to say, "Perfect weather for doing yoga!"
  2. Escape from the snow and wind -- the madness of the physical winter world, and the swirly snowstorm of your brain, too. Quiet the body and the mind.
  3. It's your only chance to wear a bathing suit or shorts! Or adorable and sexy haute yogawear like K.Deer's line, if you are like me.
  4. Improve your skin's circulation and natural health by sweating it out in the Hot Room.
  5. Get flexible! Avoid stiff, sore muscles that are clenched from the cold. Relax instead.
  6. Feel the relief of a peaceful meditation once you've practiced. Stay stress free so you won't get sick!
  7. Enjoy interaction with friends, fellow yogis, and instructors at your studio. The best way to beat the blues is to talk through whatever's on your mind, and you will make real friends who you can trust if you open up. Adopt a 'namaste' state of mind.
  8. You'll breathe deeper during the day.
  9. You'll meet that new year's resolution of taking care of your body. And you'll work every muscle, tissue, organ and system you've got.
  10. If you can, you must!
Mountain meditations! Photo via Coffee and Yoga.