More Than a List: Reflections on Thankfulness

Hey friends, yogis, families, people! Only a week 'til the Big Family Feast. Have you started planning your menus? Did you invite friends over?

Photo by the talented Sarah Rhoads.

Have you thought about the blessings in your life?

Bright open skies, homemade food, and mittens on the cold mornings. Relaxation. The chance to clear your mind and make it blank. Dogs that thank us just for being around. Friends at work who compliment our scarves. Fuzzy covers. Cuddles, unexpected hugs, and the camera lenses that catch them.

Today, I choose to be thankful for what I have.

The hardest part about gratitude is that it demands thankfulness not only for what's beautiful, easy, predictable, fun. We must also be grateful for our troubles, our pain, our sorrow.

Each of these make us stronger. We are reminded of this every time we practice Bikram yoga.

"Choose to relax," as my studio's owner says. "What if you chose to enjoy the posture rather than suffer?"

What would happen if you chose not to suffer?

Sarah's work inspires me to think about what real love really looks like. There's not always a smile in frame.

Think of the difference it would make if we applied this philosophy to our everyday lives, our work, our relationships.

The other night I was feeling stressed about money stuff and I was cuddling with the Hubs while we talked through it. I turned to him, both of us with a look of anguish on our faces, staring into each other. What if I just let it go? I thought, realizing this was the only way out.

Today, looking back, I am grateful for the struggle. I am so glad that I have to work for what I have. I am thankful that I wasn't born a millionaire, because I enjoy the satisfaction of earning my own paycheck. And as much as it can be a challenge sometimes to make ends meet (and to resist the urge to spend on special treats), in the end, the difficulty provides the reward.

At the start of this holiday season, I am reminded that we tumble along not by luck, but by hard work, grace, and patience.

By exerting 100%, we earn the right to relax 100%.

By enduring pain, we grow stronger.

By thanking ourselves and others, we earn the right to take pride in our work (not boost our egos, but take humble pride in our effort, not only our accomplishments).

And we earn the chance to indulge ourselves. And eat a bunch of delicious food, more than our bellies are even wishing for.

My beautiful cousin Joelle took this one last year at Thanksgiving. Yum!