The Challenge of a Challenge

Nature knows perfect balance, like in the petals of a camellia flower. This pic was taken right outside the Capitol in Sactown. So lovely!

I believe in balance. I also believe, "If you can, you must." So what should a passionate yogi do when she's motivated to do her yoga for 30 days in a row, but some crazy awesome things erupt into the mix of her day-to-day life?

I've been struggling for the past several months to find a job I love, can make enough money doing, and feel excited about. I am excited to say I recently started a full time job.

But this means a couple things:
1. I'm doing the nine-to-five now, Monday through Thursday.
2. I've got to budget my time so I still have a chance to edit for editZING clients.
3. I must be careful not to get overextended so that I can maintain healthy relationships, get enough rest, have time to cook dinner, and fit in Bikram.

Anyway, long story short, I've put my 30-day challenge on hold... again. I feel a little sad saying that, because I know I'm up for it and could handle the heat for a whole month. But I also feel a strong need to keep things centered, so I don't get stressed, sleep-deprived, or overwhelmed. About a year ago this time I was not doing well and it's because I signed myself up for disaster: too many projects, commitments, and self-imposed expectations about the future.

Too much worry!

This year, I'm deciding to pick and choose what I let slide into the #1 spot on the list of priorities. Some days, it's yoga. Some days, it's work. Most days, it's family and loved ones.

How do you balance your time, energy, and relationships so that you have enough you to go around? Where do you draw the line when it comes to meeting the goals you set for yourself, or deciding when it's best to let them go?

I'll admit, it's tough seeing my name up on the wall at the studio, next to all the other yogis who are keeping up with their month. All those little stickers lined up, showing off the sweat and struggle they've endured, next to my blank spots where I thought I would have been taking class.

But I'm pretty excited that I have the willpower to say my sanity matters more! and that I have a heart that knows there will be many, many years of yoga to come.

I can rest easy knowing life is in balance, and the yoga is always there waiting.

A staircase goes down, a staircase comes up. We choose to see opportunity in change!