The Power of Simplicity In Teaching Yoga

Are you a yoga teacher looking to build your confidence? If you’re a new yoga teacher and you want to get from nervous to confident faster and with ease, you are in the right place!

The Power of Simplicity in Teaching Yoga

When I first started teaching yoga in 2013, I was fresh out of a 200-hour power yoga teacher training program. I was brimming with excitement and passion, eager to launch my teaching career and find my unique voice. However, every time I stood in front of a class, doubts flooded my mind. I constantly questioned whether my sequences were good enough, if my cues were clear, and if my students were enjoying the class enough to return.

Stepping into the role of a yoga teacher was overwhelming. I wanted to deliver impactful, safe classes, but the pressure to remember every detail and create innovative sequences felt daunting. I often wondered, how many years would it take before this felt second nature?

One day, I had a realization. What if I focused on mastering one simple, effective class sequence? Instead of trying to reinvent the wheel each time, I could rely on a basic, reliable sequence that I knew inside out. This approach transformed my teaching experience.

Are you a new yoga teacher and feeling overwhelmed about where to go from here?

  • Maybe you recently finished a teacher training program but you’re feeling overwhelmed about teaching.

  • You’ve been teaching for a while but sometimes you feel like you’re not good enough.

  • You worry before class—what if I forget what to say? What if I mix up the sequence? Will students come back?

  • You get nervous before teaching and wish you had a more definitive plan to help you prepare.

If any of these resonate with you, you're not alone.

A Yoga Class Script PDF Can Become Your Secret Superpower

The resources on this page are designed to help you boost your confidence and find your teaching groove. Drawing from my 10+ years of experience teaching Vinyasa yoga, these e-books and yoga teaching scripts are crafted to help you move past the initial ‘what am I doing?!’ stage and into feeling excited, grounded, creative, and motivated when you teach.

Instead of trying to create a new class from scratch each time, imagine having one basic class sequence that you can teach anywhere, any time.

What is a Yoga Teaching Script?

A yoga script lists specific yoga postures and verbal cues to help yoga teachers know exactly what to say when teaching a class. Using this template, you’ll feel more comfortable and know what to say to start and end class, as well as how to guide students safely in and out of the poses.

Who Are These Yoga Scripts For?

All of the books listed here are meant for yoga teachers who want to elevate their teaching and build confidence. These resources can help refine your cues, create a structure and framework for your sequencing, and reduce nervousness when you go to teach.

The Journey to Confidence

In 2013, I was in your shoes—excited but overwhelmed, passionate but unsure. Over time, I found that simplicity was the key. By focusing on a straightforward, reliable sequence, I was able to build my confidence and deliver classes that were both effective and enjoyable for my students.

There's a valuable lesson here: as a new teacher, it’s OK to use straightforward sequencing until you get some experience under your belt. With so much content online showcasing intricate, unique sequences, it’s easy to feel like you need to constantly innovate. But sometimes, what you need most is to keep it simple.

Keeping it simple is a key to getting from nervous to confident. It’s more important to cultivate a feeling within yourself of "I can do this" than it is to wow students with a complex sequence.

New to teaching yoga? Start here.

When you graduate teacher training, there’s a lot of material floating around in your head and it’s hard to know where to start. But what if you started here: with a basic class, straightforward cues, simple breathing. What if you took some creative freedom to make savasana your own, but you kept the class simple?

That’s what I’ve done in my yoga teacher scripts. They’re PDF documents with the exact words to say when you get up in front of class and teach. You can read them out loud at home to practice, review them right before you walk into the studio, or even use them to teach a practice class to friends and family. These scripts are designed to help you build up your confidence and feel more at ease, so you aren’t searching for the right cues and words to say.

It’s not cheating. It’s a clear method to help you get from nervous to confident. And for some, it’s the only way to not quit teaching altogether.

Embrace simplicity, and watch your confidence grow.

Learn more about yoga teaching scripts:

Power Yoga Script with Sanskrit Posture Names

Teach yoga with confidence using the Power Yoga Script!

This yoga class script PDF is a full guide that details exactly what to say for your next class, start to finish.

  • Ideas for how to start yoga class as a teacher

  • What to say during Savasana at the end of yoga class

  • Precise cues for over 50 poses included in a Power Vinyasa Sequence

  • Sanskrit posture names including phonetic spelling for how to pronounce them

This 45-page document includes detailed instructions for how to cue yoga poses and can be modified to create a:

  • 60 minute yoga sequence script

  • 75 minute yoga sequence script

  • or even a 90 minute yoga sequence scripts

If you’re struggling with yoga sequencing or yoga sequencing lesson plans, this script is for you.

This yoga class script can help you improve your cues, build your confidence, and discover the sequencing and pacing that will define your unique style as a teacher. Transition smoothly from yoga teacher training (YTT) into any teaching environment.

The sequencing follows the Baptiste power vinyasa yoga methodology including the following sections:

  • Integration (Presence)

  • Awakening (Sun Salutations)

  • Vitality (Warrior Series)

  • Equanimity (Balance Series)

  • Grounding (Triangle Series)

  • Igniting (Backbending Series)

  • Stability (Abdominal Series)

  • Opening (Hip Series)

  • Release (Forward Bending Series)

  • Rejuvenation (Inversion Series)

  • Deep Rest (Surrender to Gravity Series)

The yoga class teaching script includes:

  • Introductions

  • Warm ups

  • Sun salutations

  • Warrior poses

  • Balancing poses

  • Triangle series

  • Backbending

  • Abs and core work

  • Hips

  • Forward bending

  • Inversions

  • Cool down and savasana

Precise cues, smart sequencing, and ideas for how to start and end the class in an engaging and authentic way. Walk into class feeling empowered and prepared to deliver a kick-ass yoga experience to your students.

Here’s what yoga teachers are saying about the POWER YOGA SCRIPT:

“This definitely helped me improve my flow with teaching asana after my teacher training.” -Donita, Vinyasa yoga teacher

”I love how you laid this script out. I felt confused and scattered as I was working on my classes and this helped me save time in the process. Thank you!” -Keyla, yin yoga teacher

“I’ll be honest: when I got done with my 200-hour training, I felt totally lost. I mean, my trainers went over all the poses but as soon as I’d get in front of the room, the words just weren’t there. I felt so stuck. This book helped me build my confidence and doing some memorization so I wasn’t always so terrified to teach.” -Beth, power vinyasa teacher

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