Wellness Coaching for the Holiday Season

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Where do I start?

This is a question I hear often from folks who are ready to make a change but not sure how to make it happen. A lot of times when you’re out of shape or not feeling confident in your body, getting started is the hardest part.

What I’ve learned is that having a plan and having someone who will help you stick to it is key!

You must build consistency if you want to see results.

With that in mind, I created a wellness coaching program that’s focused on getting you from where you are to where you want to be.

There are four main areas I’m targeting with this program:

  • Creating a badass morning routine— because how you start your day matters

  • Creating a structured plan for when you’ll exercise— and choosing something that actually works for your schedule instead of trying to do too much too soon

  • Assessing nutrition habits and making small changes you can sustain— no starving yourself, no extreme changes, no crazy diets + an honest look at how you feel about yourself (how you eat tends to be connected to your self-worth)

  • A plan for how to stay focused, how to track your progress, and what to do if you experience a setback

Want to learn more? Check out my wellness coaching page or give me a shout and we’ll start the conversation. I’d love to help you!
