Cleaning Yoga Studios and the Eight Limbs

Photos by Nick Bonj.

Asana (physical postures) are not the only form of yoga practice. There are actually eight limbs which can bring us into a deeper practice. The limbs other than asana include:
  • yamas: restraints
  • niyamas: observances
  • pranyama: breath
  • pratyahara: withdrawal of the senses
  • dharana: focus
  • dhyana: meditation
  • samadhi: state of oneness
Here's a beautiful infographic that breaks down some of the details. (Yoga Journal also has some lovely descriptions if you want to learn more.)

Infographic by Alison Hinks.

In recent months, my practice has grown into more than just asana. I feel blessed and encouraged by finding the patience to sit in deeper meditation, to do some selfless service volunteering for local studios, and to practice self-study (svadhyaya) through writing.

One of my favorite ways to contribute to the yogic communities in my area is to clean at the studios where I practice. There is something so calming about being able to spend time improving the space where you come to lay it all down on the mat.

Once I have scrubbed mats and taken out trash and swept the studio floor, I have a deeper appreciation for the space.

My practice means more, knowing the effort behind the clean, sparkling studio space. 

If you're looking for a way to save money, cleaning at a studio can also be a great option. Many times studio owners or teachers are willing to work out an exchange, where you can clean as a way to defray the cost of class.

If you have the time, I encourage you to donate a bit of your time. After your next class, offer to fold a few towels or scrub a few mats. Or just surprise your neighbor by cleaning their mat without asking. :)

Namaste, beautiful ones!