Reflections on the GoodBelly Challenge (And Why I Now Love Probiotics)

All photos by me.

You've probably heard of a yoga challenge. I know some of you Bikram fanatics have even participated in them.

But have you ever done a health-related challenge and changed up your diet?

Juicing is all the rage these days, and there are lots of ways to detox whether you're going full-out with a master cleanse or simply incorporating more healthy foods into your routine.

Recently I discovered the wonder of GoodBelly vegan probiotic juice drinks with live and active probiotic cultures. GoodBelly's awesome PR team was kind enough to mail me a few VIP vouchers for a free 12 days worth of drinks, so I got going right away on the GoodBelly Challenge

I highly recommend it, readers!

I could not be more pleased with the results. For over 12 days now, I've been drinking these little smiley-face "straightshots" and/or sips from the GoodBelly quarts. Pomegranate blackberry and mango are my flavors of choice.

I'm a pretty healthy eater, but every now and then I like to indulge. Lately I've been doing a lot that has added up to an unhappy belly: having sweet treats, traveling, not drinking enough water, and experiencing stress. Thankfully, GoodBelly has me back on track -- and I've even been inspired to eat healthier and decrease the amount of meat in my diet.

Plus, I feel more, ahem, regular -- if you know what I mean. :) My intestinal track is happier, and as a result some yoga postures even feel easier (like crow, forward bend, and peacock, for example).

If you want to feel lighter, cleaner and super blissed out, go for this challenge.

Interested in learning more about Probiotics? Here are a few fun facts from GoodBelly:

Probiotics 101

Probiotics are beneficial bacteria that help establish a healthy balance to the intestinal microflora. They have been found to ease symptoms of diarrhea, constipation, gas, bloating, and other common digestive ailments, as well as support proper immune function. GoodBelly’s patented probiotic, Lp299v, promotes digestive health when taken daily.* Research shows Lp299v survives the passage through the stomach’s acidic environment so it can reach the rest of the digestive system and provide such benefits. Lp299v is one of the most documented and well-researched probiotics with more than 16 research trials, over 17 years, supporting its efficacy.

*Some studies suggest that GoodBelly's probiotics may help balance bacteria in your gut when eaten daily as part of a nutritious diet and healthy lifestyle. GoodBelly is a food product and not a treatment or cure for any medical disorder or disease. If you have any concerns about your digestive system, you should consult your healthcare professional.