Breaking Into Healthy Breakfasts

Howdy, readers! This is yesterday's breakfast at The Other Brother cafe in Evanston, the newest endeavor by The Brothers K. The cafe is a stellar spot: beautiful, sleek, modern design. Simple. Lovely. And of course they are continuing the tradition of delicious coffee & pastries (the baked goods are brought in by another store, I believe). Located at Sherman & Grove. You should stop by and try a latte sometime soon! Those frilly frothy drinks will make you smile.

 Today? I'm juicing it up! Pictured is a recent creation featuring Hammer Nutrition WHEY powder. In this morning's mix, I threw in some of Hammer's awesome Montana Huckleberry gel as well as a myriad (read: PILE) of fresh stuff, including...

  • carrot juice
  • berry juice
  • orange juice
  • frozen banana
  • frozen strawberry
  • frozen blueberry
  • parsley
  • spinach
  • flax seed (ground)
Whirl, grind, instant energy! Tasty, too. I'm thinking of doing a 7-day detox cleanse with all green juices. Just got some books to read from the library about it.

I'm pretty much turning into a health food junkie, huh? :) Hey, at least I'll be clean, balanced and ready for the heat at Teacher Training. I imagine it'd be nice to start with a clean slate while I'm heating it up in Bikram's Torture Chamber... What do you think, fall 2010 #BKTT trainees?

Happy Tuesday from the newlyweds. Hope you're juicin' it up for breakfast out there! More recipes coming soon. And for those of you who are still passionate about eating cupcakes and other treats, try Ming Makes Cupcakes. A beautiful site!